Products / Most Recent Height Data

Most Recent Height Data

Detailed measurements of the height of the ground and the structures on it can provide a new dimension to the understanding and management of the local, national or global environment.

Photogrammetric Digital Terrain Models (DTM) and Digital Surface Models (DSM) are available nationwide in a variety of formats to suit your application. Created photogrammetrically from our high-resolution aerial photography, our DSM provides a 2m grid of heights that includes surface features such as buildings and trees, whilst our DTM provides a bare earth model on a 5m grid.

Products available:

2m Digital Surface Model

DSM (Digital Surface Models) The Earth’s surface including buildings and vegetation, with a 2-metre grid spacing.

Resolution: 2m

Accuracy XY: ± Up to 1m rmse

Accuracy Z: ± Up to 1.5m rmse

5m Digital Terrain Model

DTM (Digital Terrain Models) The Earth’s terrain excluding buildings and vegetation, with a 5-metre grid spacing.

Resolution: 5m

Accuracy XY: ± Up to 1m rmse

Accuracy Z: ± Up to 1.5m rmse

5m Contours

Contours are lines connecting location of equal elevation. In areas with little change in elevation the lines will be far apart, moving closer together in an area of steeply sloping terrain. Supplied as an ESRI Shapefile, polylines at 5m elevation intervals. Derived from the 5m Digital Terrain Model.
NOTE - The Contours 5m data doesn't display in the Mapshop viewer.